3.4 Mile Doorway Into Planet Mercury Discovered, Nov 2012.
Date of sighting: November 17, 2012
Location of sighting: Victoria Rupes Cliffs, Mercury
I was looking over some Mercury photos and found this unusual black doorway. It is long and rectangle in shape with four almost perfect right angel corners. Unless meteor cubes are pummeling planets, this seems to be made by ancient aliens. Since nasa states; "the crater that is just left of the center of the photo is 42km (26 miles) in diameter," this gives us the approximate size of the doorway. It takes 7.5 of the doors to cross the entire crater, meaning the doorway is 5.6km long or 3.4 miles. That is a giant doorway for giant ships to travel through. Check it out at the source below. SCW
Source: http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/catalog/PIA15614